"The Original Spill-Proof Bowl"


POURfect® Scrape-A-Bowl 5qt Bowl Lift

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Cepes Muschroomery

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1-2-4 Cup POURfect Spill-Proof Bowl Set

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Wood Ear Muschroomery

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Shitake Muschroomery

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The Pourfect Bowl are not only great in the kitchen but I use them to feed my dog and water my plants. I use the beaker constantly in beading to return them to my storage containers. They are perfect for everything.


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1 Product,


Name SKU Price Quantity Subtotal Update
POURfect® 1 & 2 Cup Beaker Set
1031 $14.95
Subtotal: $14.95
Total: $14.95
Tax Total: $0.00

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